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  • laurenmcb6


We went to an old jail.

This is the watch tower where the guards sat.

There was a funny man who told us about the jail. He told us stories about baddies who escaped the jail. There was one guy who escaped the jail and he was never found. Dad was being one of the prisoners, he was in jail because he stole a horse - he was one of the prisoners who tried to escape, but he was caught by the jailer.

Theo and Harry got chosen. The man said, whoever had the cleanest hands in the jail had to make the food. Theo had the cleanest hands, so he pretended to make the food. Harry was the prison guard. When Harry fell asleep (pretending), Theo poured a pot of soup on him and tried to escape the jail, but he was caught by Harry even though he was burnt.

We went to the Flying Doctors. We saw a real plane and there was a pretend plane inside that we could sit in. The flying doctors started in Queensland and is now all over Australia.

Fact! The man on the $20 note started the Flying Doctors - Reverend John Flynn.

Sometimes the planes need to land and there isn't a real runway. These people lit toilet roles to direct the pilot!

This is a map of all the planes flying at the moment. We didn't know there were so many!

We watched a video. People on farms said they couldn't survive without the flying doctors. They help them when they are injured or sick.

The next day we went to the Dubbo Zoo! We saw so many animals, the meerkats were our favourite. We rode our bikes around the zoo, some people drove buggies.

We saw a ginormous turtle which was as big as 20 basketballs. There were baby turtles which were as big as a tennis ball.

We fed some goats some leaves.

Our favourite - meerkats!

We went to the waterpark in the zoo. The meerkats were next door. We had pizza for lunch and birds were trying to eat it.

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Apr 09, 2022

The Dubbo zoo with all the different animals looks amazing. And the visit to the jail looks great fun. Grandad has always claimed Reverend John Flynn of the Flying doctors as a relative. He was married to your great grandfathers cousin.


Apr 07, 2022

Oh, my goodness, what interesting things you are seeing and learning about. Did you try to imagine what it would be like to be in jail? I bet they didn't get pizza or ice-cream!!

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