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  • laurenmcb6

First stop - Mackay & Blacks Beach

Updated: Jan 30, 2022

After a little delay (Dad got Covid!), we finally headed to Mackay to pick up our caravan!

Dad drove there and we went on the plane with Mum. We were very excited to go on a plane. It was a big drive for Dad and only 1 and a half hours on the plane for us because planes are fast and there isn't any traffic.

It was night time by the time we arrived at Blacks Beach caravan park. We were excited to set up the caravan for the first time. There are 2 bunks beds and a table that we convert into a bed at bed time. We will take turns in sleeping in each bed. The bunks have their own reading lights which is our favourite well as the toilet.

We are right on the beach and there is a swimming pool and water play area. We have been riding our bikes around the campsite. A few grumpy people told us not to, but the manager said we are allowed :) There are teenagers filming Tik Tok videos in the camp kitchen.

After our sleep we went into Mackay city for a look around. Mum and Dad liked the old buildings, we liked climbing on them. We drove out on the breakwater and saw huge ships and tugboats.

Millie, Theo and Harry :)

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Sally Campbell
Sally Campbell
Jan 29, 2022

Olive, Will and I are so jealous! Keep updating we love travel stories. Love James C


Euty Euty
Euty Euty
Jan 29, 2022

Looks like fun. Make sure you go to Sorbellos for dinner while in Mackay.


Jan 28, 2022

Glad to hear you are having a great time guys. I know you are almost as excited with your new toy as much as my dad! Hope you trip keeps on being delightful and hopefully there isn’t too many grumpy people and you can keep on riding. Lots of love,

your eldest cousin,



Mary Charlston
Mary Charlston
Jan 28, 2022

This is by far the best blog I’ve ever read! I’m so excited about your next stop!


Angelique Woodgate
Angelique Woodgate
Jan 28, 2022

What an exciting adventure for you all! Looking forward to following journey xxx

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