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  • laurenmcb6


Huskisson is in Jervis Bay. We stayed right next to the beach and we made some friends. One had a spideman suit on. Three teenagers were harassing us on the play equipment.

The first day we went to the beach and wrote our names in seaweed.

We visited Hyam's Beach which has very white sand. The waves were nice and small, "crispy" in Theo's language.

After dinner at the Husky Pub we rode our bikes to a gelato shop, but it was closed :( A lady called Gail said "oh no, were you getting ice cream, here, I will give you some ice cream from my house. It's around the corner".

She gave us ice cream in a cone, she was so kind.

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Mar 26, 2022

What lovely places. Those little fish in the rock pools are so fast - so hard to catch. But it still looked lots of fun. Love Nanny and Grandad

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