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  • laurenmcb6

Seventeen Seventy and A LOT of driving

Because our trip started a bit late we had to do a lot of driving on the last few days. There wasn't much to see out the window except grass, mountains and some cows.

We like listening to Imagine This, News Time and Story Salad on ABC Kids. Sometimes they stopped working as there was no internet! We stopped for lunch in Rockhampton where Mum took more photos of buildings. We were more interested in the kid's motorbikes for sale everywhere!

We finally arrived in Seventeen Seventy where the camp ground was right on the sand. It was the first place that Captain Cook sailed to in Queensland. We asked Dad if he was alive in 1770 and he got a bit angry.

We did some afternoon fishing but unfortunately only caught the baby fish so we couldn't eat them for dinner. We have a new paddleboard which we've named the Blueberry Express after Issy, Henry and Audrey's Mango Express :)

In Seventeen Seventy the sun sets over the water which is unusual on the East Coast, but it was cloudy so we couldn't really see it properly.

Next stop, Brisbane!

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2 kommenttia

Jacqueline Auf der Maur
Jacqueline Auf der Maur
12. maalisk. 2022

We’re just catching up on your posts. One day we’ll have to have a race between the blueberry and mango express!


23. helmik. 2022

Somehow I didn't see this Post and now you are ready to go again. I'm so glad you are enjoying listening to ABC Kids. It's just like the old days when the radio was the only thing you could tune into for entertainment. Have a great tour. Glendie. X

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