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  • laurenmcb6

St Kilda

We visited St Kilda which is in Melbourne. We saw our friends Ethan and Flynn and caught a tram!

We wanted to go to Luna Park but it was full :( Instead we found a ferris wheel which went very high. We could see the beach and city.

We went for a swim at the beach and jumped off the ledge onto the sand.

Mum loved seeing her friend Deb!

Ethan and Flynn were so kind - they gave us lego!

We did the lego at dinner.

The next day we went to Mum and Dad's favourite coffee shop Las Chicas and had giant pancakes.

Then we saw the house the used to live in. It looked tiny.

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Apr 01, 2022

Seeing Mummy and Daddy in front of Emilton Court brought a tear to my eye. Such a lot has happened since those days. Breakfast at Las Chicas would have been just like the old days, wouldn't it, Lauren and Richard? Maybe just a little bit more sparky! Looks like Flynn is a bit of a larrikin, but so nice of the boys to give you Lego.


Mar 31, 2022

It looks like so much fun at St Kilda jumping off the ledge with your friends onto the beach. And going on the high ferris wheel. You would have seen lots of things being so high.

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